Olivet Theological College and Seminary offers graduate degree programs that provide students with the opportunity to continue their education beyond the undergraduate level in order to understand and expand their qualifications for many related vocations. With our accredited graduate degree programs, Olivet’s intentional attempt is to capture our mission in reaching the ‘network generation more completely, and at the same time to meet the needs of mission and ministry in the 21st century.

OTCS Students can choose among three degree programs, each accommodating for individuals in the areas of emphases and specializations.

  • Master of Divinity Program
  • Master of Theology Program
Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity is Olivet Theological College & Seminary’s flagship four-year program designed to prepare future ministers for real-world church planting and specialized ministry in twenty-first-century Christian missions. This program provides students with core biblical and theological instruction, leadership training, as well as a range of the skills necessary to perform ministerial duties in church and various ministries in a global context.

Being the entrance qualification for ordained pastoral ministry, the Master of Divinity degree seeks to prepare and equip its students for a fruitful life in ministry. Distinguishing it from other programs Olivet’s M.Div. program has created a format to integrate theological, biblical and, mission-critical practical work experiences. In order to train the future pastors and ministers in face of the dynamic world with specific ministry internship experience, Olivet’s M. Div. student can also choose their concentrations.

The program’s emphasis is providing students the opportunity to study at more than one Olivet University location. Students interested in taking Master of Divinity program online can do so at eCampus.

Master of Theology 

The Master of Theology (Th.M.) is an extension program of the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, designed to equip the students with scholarly competency and professional teaching skills in one field of biblical, historical, or theological studies. This degree requires a minimum of eighteen (18) months of full-time study, or may be completed over a longer period, up to a maximum of three (3) years without special permission from the director.

Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity is Olivet Theological College & Seminary’s flagship four-year program designed to prepare future ministers for real-world church planting and specialized ministry in twenty-first-century Christian missions. This program provides students with core biblical and theological instruction, leadership training, as well as a range of the skills necessary to perform ministerial duties in church and various ministries in a global context.

Being the entrance qualification for ordained pastoral ministry, the Master of Divinity degree seeks to prepare and equip its students for a fruitful life in ministry. Distinguishing it from other programs Olivet’s M.Div. program has created a format to integrate theological, biblical and, mission-critical practical work experiences. In order to train the future pastors and ministers in face of the dynamic world with specific ministry internship experience, Olivet’s M. Div. student can also choose their concentrations.

The program’s emphasis is providing students the opportunity to study at more than one Olivet University location. Students interested in taking Master of Divinity program online can do so at eCampus.

Program Goals

In the context of Olivet’s mission, completion of the Master of Divinty program will enable students to:

  • Grow in likeness to Christ.
  • Develop biblically and theologically sound expository sermons within a historical context.
  • Evaluate contemporary moral and social issues by applying Biblical and theological principles.
  • Develop professional competencies, particularly in missions and church ministry.


Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with a Master of Divinity degree from OTCS, the student must:

  1. Pass a total of 136 quarter credits: 96 quarter credits Master of Divinity Core, 40 quarter credits in the chosen Concentration;
  2. Maintain a GPA of 3.0 (B average) or above in course work applicable to degree;
  3. Receive a passing mark for all Christian Service and Chapel requirements;
  4. Complete all degree requirements within the time limit, unless extenuating circumstances exist;
  5. Satisfy all financial responsibilities of the university.

Students are subject to the Master of Divinity degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered unless a change to a more recent catalog year has been approved.

Time Limits

The Master of Divinity degree is normally fulfilled in four (4) years of study. Except under extenuating circumstances, all requirements for the degree must be completed within six (6) years of the date of enrollment. Students who have not completed the requirements within the six-year period must apply to the Registrar’s Office for an enrollment extension every term, up to a maximum of seven (7) years from the date of enrollment.


The Masters of Divinity degree is offered in collaboration with a number of affiliate ministries and mission-minded companies colocated or in close proximity to the university campus locations. It can be taken either as a stand-alone program or as part of a dual degree option with an applicable master’s degree from another school at Olivet University. Its design requires half-time or full-time employment from all students throughout this graduate program. The program is offered in an evening/weekend format to maximize the integration of essential curricular studies and theory with practical application and professional reflection.

1. Biblical & Biblical Languages Studies Requirement (32 units)

Students are required to take the following six Biblical studies courses and four biblical language courses:

1. BIBL501 Old Testament I – Pentateuch (4 units)

2. BIBL502 Old Testament II – Historical Books & Canonical Prophets (Isaiah-Malachi) (4 units)

3. BIBL503 Old Testament III – Psalms and Wisdom Books (4 units)

4. BIBL511 New Testament I – Gospels (4 units)

5. BIBL512 New Testament II – Acts & Pauline Epistles (4 units)

6. BIBL513 New Testament III – Hebrews to Revelations (4 units)

7. BIBL550 Hebrew for Biblical Interpretation I* (2 units)

8. BIBL551 Hebrew for Biblical Interpretation II* (2 units)

9. BIBL560 Greek for Biblical Interpretation I* (2 units)

10. BIBL561 Greek for Biblical Interpretation II* (2 units)

*Note: These courses may be waived if the student takes proficiency exams and demonstrates competency in the Biblical Hebrew or Biblical Greek.

2. Theological & Historical Studies Requirement (40 Units)

Students are required to take the following four historical studies courses and six theological studies courses:

1. HIST501 History of Christianity I: 100-1500 (4 units)

2. HIST502 History of Christianity II: 1500-1900 (4 units)

3. HIST503 History of Christianity III: 1900-Present (4 units)

4. HIST510 Historical Theology I (4 units)

5. THEO500 Theological Prolegomena** (4 units) 6. THEO501 Systematic Theology I: Doctrine of God, Anthropology** (4 units)

7. THEO502 Systematic Theology II: Christology, Soteriology** (4 units)

8. THEO503 Systematic Theology III: Ecclesiology, Eschatology (4 units)

9. THEO600 Christian Apologetics (4 units)

10. THEO610 Christian Ethics (4 units)

3. Ministry Studies Requirement (16 Units)

All students are required to take the following four ministry studies courses:

1. MINS600 Evangelism & Discipleship** (4 units)

2. MINS700 Homiletics** (4 units)

3. MINS710 Pastoral Counseling** (4 units)

4. MINS760 Pastoral Ministry (4 units)

4. Electives Requirement (8 Units)

Students are required to take additional elective courses of their choice in any area of this OTCS’ graduate program.

5. Ministry Studies Distribution Requirement (40 Units)

Concentrations are intended for students desiring more flexibility in completing their required coursework and related internships. M.Div. students who choose to fulfill their Ministry Studies Distribution Requirements with a concentration are required to select a concentration in one of the eight specialty areas listed below. The curriculum of each concentration consists of four to seven courses and twelve 1-quarter unit internship/curricular practical experience courses. The internship courses are taken each quarter of fulltime enrollment and require employment for 20-40 hours per week in a professional service role in the field. Detailed information about these concentration courses are provided below. A declared concentration can only be changed within the first half of the degree program.

  • Marketplace Ministry Concentration (40 Units)
  • Christian Media Concentration (40 Units)
  • Nehemiah Ministry Concentration (40 Units)
  • Mission & Church Concentration (40 Units)
  • Christian Hospitality Concentration (40 Units)
  • Children’s Ministry Concentration (40 Units)
  • Prayer and Spirituality Concentration (40 Units)
  • Agriculture Ministry Concentration (40 Units)

6. General Ministry Skills (0 Unit)

The M.Div. onsite students are required to pass 4 quarters of PRAC020 Graduate Christian Service and PRAC021 Graduate Chapel every term that they are enrolled. Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information.

Master of Theology

The Master of Theology (Th.M.) is an extension program of the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, designed to equip the students with scholarly competency and professional teaching skills in one field of biblical, historical, or theological studies. This degree requires a minimum of eighteen (18) months of full-time study, or may be completed over a longer period, up to a maximum of three (3) years without special permission from the director.

Program Goals
In the context of Olivet University’s mission, completion of the Master of Theology program will enable students to: Spiritual and Personal
  • Mature in Christ-like attitude through affirmative engagement with his Word in a context of Christian community
Research and Teaching Skills
  • Identify and formulate a productive research problem.
  • Independently conduct advanced academic research and writing in the chosen field.
  • Understand and apply the major theories of learning and the essential components of teaching and assessment.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to, and ability to carry out sound pedagogical practices of teaching in different settings.
Field Competence
  • Elucidate the major theories and approaches to inquiry and schools of practice in the field of study, articulate their sources, and illustrate both their applications and their relationships to allied fields of study.
  • Assess the contributions of major figures and organizations in the field of study, apply its major methodologies and practices, and illustrate them.
  • Articulate significant challenges involved in practicing the field of study, elucidate its leading edges, and explore the current limits of theory, knowledge and practice through a project that lies outside conventional boundaries.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate with a Master of Theology degree from OTCS, the student must: 1. Pass a total of 44 quarter credits; 2. Maintain a GPA of 3.0 (B average) or above; 3. Meet all degree requirements within the 4-year time limit; 4. Complete Th.M. Thesis and Oral Defense; 5. Satisfy all financial responsibilities to the university; 6. Receive a passing mark for all Chapel requirements; 7. Comprehensive Examination in the field of study. Students are subject to the Master of Theology degree requirements of the catalog of the year in which they entered.
Time Limits
The Master of Theology degree is designed as a one to two years extension to the Master of Divinity program. Except under extenuating circumstances, all requirements for the degree must be completed within three (3) years of the date of enrollment. Students who have not completed the requirements within the three-year period must petition for extension every term, up to a maximum of four years from the date of enrollment, to remain in the program.
Th.M. candidates select one of the following fields of study to concentrate on:
  • Biblical Studies: (a) Old Testament, (b) New Testament
  • History
  • Theology Practical
  • Theology: (a) Mission and Strategy, (b) Preaching, (c) Education, (d) Pastoral Care
Each candidate will be assigned an adviser. Candidates will arrange their individual programs of study in consultation with their advisers, and in accordance with the programs developed for their chosen areas of study. Master of Theology Required Courses (16 Units)
  • RSCH650 Methods of Theological Research (4)
  • RSCH651 Methods of Academic Teaching (4)
  • RSCH700 Th.M. Thesis I (4)
  • RSCH710 Th.M. Thesis II (4)
Master of Theology Major Courses (20 Units) Th.M. students are required to take 20 units of courses in their major field of study with course number 600 or higher. Open Elective Courses (8 Units) Th.M. students are required to take 8 units of open electives with course number 600 or higher. General Ministry Skills (0 Unit) The Th.M students are required to pass 3 quarters of PRAC021 Graduate Chapel*. Please refer to the Christian Service Program Handbook for more detailed information. *Onsite students are required to pass PRAC021 every term that they are enrolled.



Catalogs & Handbooks contain detailed information on academics, curriculum, faculty and courses. They also include descriptions of student life, admissions, calendars, standards and other useful items.


OTCS Library provides students, faculty, and staff with the resources, research tools, and study environment necessary for the academic training of men and women for Christian ministry.


We encourage you to begin the OU application process and to dedicate the next phase of your life to walking with Chirst, with us.